Thursday, October 4, 2012



When you enter life,
infused by light-ignited,
all the world is welcomed when  
completely open sighted,

The conduit you are for Love
is open, free and flowing,
we have no names for anything,
only total knowing,

Ironic that the more we “learn” 
the less we live in awe,
it’s emptiness our soul yearns for,
a lighter load from which  to soar,

That leap of faith from all we think,
grows wings to let our spirits fly,
the infinite delight we seek
is waiting, we just have to die,


  1. Very nice. I hear this as speaking to the paradox of consciousness. To me, there's a way in which I trade bliss for the gift of being this human self that I am. I think I want bliss, but actually attaining it would mean the obliteration of all that is meaningful and dear to me. For some people this points to a deeper "me" that transcends my human identity, that I'll recover when, by dying, I release my ego and its attachments. For me, though, this ego-bound life/self is enough. I find a sweet symmetry in my unrequitable longings, a connection with that which is beyond me. If some other kind of consciousness is possible that’s great, but it doesn’t really mean anything to this consciousness I actually have, and AM, right now. Nor do I need it to. I may not know perfect bliss, but I get to touch, in my fleeting but tenderly human way, that awe, emptiness and delight of which you speak.

  2. Jaskho, You sound like a rare person to me; one who is content with his lot and feels no need to grow, change, heal, improve, etc. Actually, I believe that enlightenment is simply the state of accepting yourself, others and the affairs of the world, just as they are. Apparently you do this. The bliss you mention I call a peak moment and many of us have them. I think there is this state of consciousness where you experience your connection with all of life, the entire universe, the infinite expanse you are part of and that you also contain. I have felt this a few times in my life and there are lots of different names for it. But what I think is way more important is to make a lasting peace with life and yourself just as things are. The good, bad and ugly-they say the pain is mandatory but the suffering is optional. You write and express yourself very clearly. Good on you-
