Sunday, February 8, 2015


i am a recovering editorialist. I've come to the conclusion that the world basically has always operated this way. Who has the money has the power to control the society. They can afford to buy protection for themselves by hiring armies, police, and write the legislature that creates the laws that insure they won't lose their wealth and power. Think Kings and serfs, emporers and conquerers. Wealth has always been unequally distributed and we middle class folk will never really get involved in protesting until they are poor enough to lose their comforts and conveniences. We are addicted to our comforts and it results in middle class complacency and lower class hopelessness and crime when hungry enough. When you get to write the laws that society lives by, well....what would be considered a crime by any ethical person is simply put into laws and tax loopholes and all the rest of the set up. I actually have begun to accept the unpleasant realities of human kind's behaviors and the less I protest, the happier I choose to be. Works for me. Unfairness has always existed for humans. I am complacent enough to relax and appreciate and enjoy the standard of living I am blessed with. Wealth doesn't guarantee happiness (many underdeveloped cultures have much happier people than us); they are socially connected and cooperate and support each other rather than compete. I know the line that's's better to be rich and unhappy than poor and unhappy. Then again "Freedoms just another word for nothin left to lose" is the experience of many". Remember ur youth and the adventures and connections with others that came out of it.