Thursday, November 17, 2011

From 90 in 90

the way this addict prays
is often incidentally..
he sits down and starts to write
and on a good day
(and a good pray)
he quickly tires of the bullshit he’s spewing
and cuts to the heart 
of what is the matter.
or maybe it isn’t tiring of the bullshit;
maybe it is the exhaustion from resisting
the pull of Light,
the calling of Love,
the persistent Patience of
that Embrace from God.
No longer apart but
 a part of God,
I become a part of everything,
anything that happens anywhere
happens to me,
 all that I do not understand
is the hardest part,
yet the Source and Foundation
for my Faith.
..and when I have surrendered 
each and every addiction
to seductions outside myself
I come to see the final killing habit
is my addiction to dark thinking.
Surrendering that habit
i am married to the Light.