Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Grief is sacred,
It speaks from the depths of our losses
and the core of our humanness,
It is loves’ remorse for not embracing more often
And more fully
Those we loved and those we neglected to love
while we had the chance.

Grief is holy, 
It is love too late for our beloved
yet just in time for our selves.

Grief is the hearts truth,
It is love itself weeping for all
That we can no longer love
and again, 
for those we could have but didn’t.

Grief is a healing balm
Exuded from our wounds 
and for our wounds,
It admits ones’ true vulnerability and sensitivity
to oneself and the world at large. 

Grief is accountable,
an admission of every selfish 
thought or action
We did or did not take.
Grief is the rightness
that forgives us our wrongs
and though it often comes late…

It is never too late.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Nothing is missing here..

i am freed of all ambitions
having only the gentle signals of my body
guiding me to care for myself:

food and rest and roof,
everything else is 
 icing on my life,

i have evicted false ideas of who I am, 
Exiled all my shoulds
And am left now with an
infinite silent emptiness,

i am that perfectly still surface 
of the pond 
reflecting the vast unmoving sky,
now i am the vast sky, 
and now, 

I am what lights the sky.