Saturday, April 28, 2018


This house is so quiet 
you can hear a tear drop,
I could
 fill this empty house with activity and noise:
 cook, clean, paint, fix
or just create a list of things to do,
get lost inside the doing.

I could look away from this loneliness
but don’t they say
the salve for the wound
is in the wound?
if my head was as empty
as this house,
there would be nothing here to fear
but like a child’s
bad dream
I am threatened by monsters
and then forget
I'm dreaming..

There is plenty of room in this house
For my imagination.
I think a better idea is to 
Get a dog.

Friday, April 27, 2018


I am waiting for a poem to arrive,
My muse has lost her way,

I wish I had something to say 
That would help you have a better day,

I wish that I could lift you,
I wish that I could lift myself,

I wish that a gang of maids
would storm in and clean my mind
leaving only clarity behind.

I wish compassion would break my heart wide open.

I could embrace the things I like to think
Make me unhappy.

I wish I knew what to wish for.


Thursday, April 26, 2018


Even when i am apart from you
still i am a part of you
like a drop of water from the sea,
now rising into sky
you paint clouds with me.

Then spill me into ground.
Grow the corn and wheat
Fresh and pure and sweet 
Cool our throats,
Wash our feet.

Weep and you seep 
from my eyes 
laying holy tracks of my tears..

There is no escaping you is there?

Even when I abandon myself
and tell myself I am all alone,
 turning to you fearfully,
I see once again 
that I was never even for a moment,
 out of your sweet embrace.

In time once more, as often before,
I open again to you my friend.

I surrender and become your willing flute.
You conduct your breath through me.
You make a song of me.

I have always been an instrument of
your divine orchestration.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


I used to pray silently
hiding my wonder and devotion 
like a secret from myself.

If faith is a crutch 
for the weak and ignorant,
Ill take two.

Humility opens my heart;
I confess,
 I need a power greater than myself
to lift me up out of myself
and into a world that matters.

I give thanks to Source,
of which I am a part of
And although time and time again
I play hide and seek with my self,

Now and again I find me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018



My ear to a cloud
Listening for directions,
Wondering which way the wind blows.

A bell tolls..
Dont ask for who,
There is no body here but you.

You knew this,
But forgot again.
With your inhale hope returns,
With the exhale stillness and peace.

There was never any place to go,
was there?
You have always been home,

You have always been home.