Friday, October 14, 2016

Invisible Acts of Love

The way the soft, silent morning air
kisses your flesh so lightly,
all worry flees.

A still pond at sunrise
Reflects a vast blue sky
 announcing a new day 
filled with promise and possibilities 
as endless as the sky itself.

The crowns of palms stirring sunlight 
reminds you of your own regal height.
while a tiny bird lands nearby and twittering
bids you a joyous invitation 
to the present moment.

Asleep and unseen yet, 
your lover
makes the coffee strong the way you like it
as the last star fades overhead,
light dissolving into light 
reminding you of your own brief breath,
and your infinite, eternal nature.

Do not miss these invisible acts of love,
Notice how gloriously blessed
 we truly are.

I long to round the urban corner, 
Leave behind measurements of distance,
Doings and achievements, 

Into that sweet field, 
The one that Rumi speaks of,
Where we somersault
Free of our judgments
Of Right, Wrong, Good, Bad
And One Another. 

I long to achieve a perception of you, 
That no longer requires me to tolerate, accept or forgive you, 
A perception that never demands 
That you be any different than you are.

Until I round that corner,
Until I meet you in that field of love,
I pray to do the next best thing:
Atone for my judgments.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


The final obstacle is the intention;
It is the egos clever decision to do whatever it takes
To make itself happy, even if it means living an unselfish life,
Even if it means thinking of others and putting their needs and wants first.

But this is doomed thinking. 
Action based on any agenda to serve the self is futile.
It will not get you into heaven because heaven 
is the surrender of self and self concern. 
Serenity, Joy and the infinite energy of Love
is available only to those who discard their attachments, 
any and all attachments to gaining anything at all. 

There can be no fear and no thought of scarcity. 
There need be no Leap of Faith
Because this implies that at the end of that leap
You will be saved.
 there must be a complete and total acquiescence,
A giving up entirely. 
No redemption, illumination, nor heavenly reward,
Just the true Dark Night of the Soul..
The deep and complete release from all desires..

Nothing is left but nothing,
Infinite darkness,
Silent and empty
Of hope, of beliefs, of needs.

This is where God’s great gift is hidden,
In this last place, beyond even the looking for God.

When the delusion 
That we ourselves are not God finally collapses, 
We are left with what we had all along 
Hoped was true,
We are all our very own super heroes, 
Capable of the greatest of feats,
 Rescuing goodness for goodness sake;

                                                           Being Good for Goodness Sake