Thursday, August 25, 2011

Turn Around


You go to sleep in the grieving 
of what you do not have.

You awaken in the mourning
over what you have lost.

It’s just a habit shaped by darkness.
Why not sculpt a new one shaped by light?
Radiate joy instead of grief
into this fragile aching world.

Express trust instead of fear.

Gratitude in place of lack.

The same glass is half empty
or full.

Gratitude improves eyesight.

Go forward with arms open
embracing all that life provides.

Celebrate the blessings of life
as life itself
is an undeserved
and holy gift.

Monday, August 22, 2011


even ancient wounds presumed healed
can still pull a veil down between
your heart and someone you wish to love,
it’s a shame to stop after coming this far.
swallow that ego, reveal your hurting,
be human, what harm could come from this.

it might even end all wars..