Wednesday, February 8, 2012

#52 Saved From Excruciating Silence Once Again

Saved From Excruciating Silence Once Again a frenzy to occupy
my monkey mind
with tasks
in place of relentless questions,
worries or regrets,
i form a vast ‘to do” list
(once again)
and now my day has a path,
my life a purpose, 
and a fantastic exhaustion to look forward to
at the end of the day
in lieu of the serenity i have 
a snowballs’ chance in hell
of ever experiencing..


  1. WOW! Good color in the painting, love the complex expression. The poem made me laugh.

  2. Well said my brother. I think paths and purpose are like any other external drug, only to be used to make us feel better as we learn to become the witness of our thoughts and no longer let them rule us. Hi Lanet.
