Thursday, November 14, 2019

How We Frame It;

The events of our lives 
are not nearly as important 
as how we chose to frame them;

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


 A Story of Bread

I bought some ready lentil soup from the neighborhood market. It’s awesome. Bought some French Bread and a few other items I needed, checked out and went home. Tasted the soup right away. Yes! 
Put the stuff away in the fridge and notice I hadn’t noticed …the bread. 


Small upset really. Called them and they said they had it, blah blah and I said  thanks-I’ll be in a little later. Damn. 

You see I have developed a strategy to avoid, crowds and congestion. I do my “to dos” that require things from stores, or dr. appts, grocery shopping , etc. between ten and two o'clock. 

It was three thirty now and I thought I was done “OUT THERE”. That’s hw I usually refer to the world at large these days. With dread like Maynard G. Krebs said, “WORk”.
Okay I thought. I’ll ride the bike. I need the exercise but first let’s smoke a bowl for the ride and listen to Pandora through my hearing aids (ah-technology…can’t live with it, can’t live without it.

Two miles max but of course there’s a good Santa Anna headwind which comes out of the desert and blows all of our smog out to sea. Whatever. 

I make it there of course and they are ready for me. The young security guard recognized me from earlier, smile and made a comment about bread. So of course being a lonely old codger, explained how it was the bread that thought of having lentil soup so…

We went on for a while about our mutual admiration for “fresh” bread. I told him I usually freeze half of the baguette which keeps it pretty authentic once reheated carefully. But then I remembered the most important and relevant thing I learned in all the hours and hours I spent in and out of colleges. 

At S.I.U. I had a roommate from New York whose name was Carol. It wasn’t that he was gay or trans or anything. It was 1968 and he was just weird. Those days you had to be significantly weird to stand out from the rest of us who were doing our best to, well-be weird. 

Carol taught me that if you suck all the air out of the loaf of bread you just bought, twist  and tie it tightly, it will taste like day one for most of the week.

He was right. Thank God college wasn’t a waste altogether!

Saturday, October 5, 2019



I haven’t said a wise word 
or written a fine line,
in a long time.

I am falling from light,
falling from that great height
into an abyss of uncertainty,
fear and self recrimination.

I keep dusting off old medals 
to reduce the amount of shame I feel,
to remind myself that at times I shine,

It encourages me, when I’m lost on the edge 
of my own darkness,
afraid to negotiate the journey
down yet another unknown road.

afraid of discomfort,
afraid of control,
afraid to let go.

I cling to the edge of faith,
defying authority,
resisting humility,
admitting my neediness
I reach out for another’s holy hand.

 Afraid to lose my self
and yet, 
afraid to find myself
I make excuses
to continue playing safe and small.

Admitting this here
is a step through the fear.
I want to live from largeness,
I want to live in and from light,
no longer hiding in shadows 
of my own making.

This world is dark with secrets,
I choose to try
to tell my truth and, 


Sunday, September 29, 2019

looking good

Looking Good

The Guest doesn’t care what time you think it is, 
or if you are asleep,
and believe you need your rest, 
because you have to work tomorrow.

Work at what?

The guest knows exactly what time it is; 
it is time to wake up 
to the one thing you need to know
which is, 
who you really are.

Dark parts: 
enemies were sent to teach you
how to embrace the unlovable
shadows of your self.

Become whole.

The peace you make with your self
will change this troubled world
into a playground of delight.

What we look like to the world means nothing.

What the world looks like to us
is all that matters..

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Like a River Rock


Be patient like the rock, 
feel life rush through and around you,
Gushing streams of grief
 will wear away your jaggedness,
wash away your madness,
and smooth you like a stone,


Be uncertain like a river
and meander to the sea.
That route of least resistance
will speed you home to me,


Use courage like a fist
to break thru what would hold you back,
Persevere and friends will support you
with the love you think you lack,

When all else fails, pray 
and be lifted from your knees, 
The light of your divinity
will carry you to me.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019



I’m pulling old poems out of the archives. 
Because there is nothing new I’ve learned, 
Nothing new to share. 

It feels like the journey is over.
But really, happily
It’s the stress and struggle that’s gone.
No body promised me a bowl of cherries. 
But no one ever taught me how to handle the pits. 

I’ve survived myself
As I like to say to the men
My age who are still here as well. 
Against the odds. 

Here’s to adventure. 
The hero's journey. 
Here’s to not knowing where you're going
But clarity about what it is you are going for.

It usually isn’t until my own honest pain
drops me to my knees
that i surrender who i think i am 
and let that frightened uncertainty
channel wisdom through God
who writes all the poems, 
the good ones anyway.

Playful Otter 



They taught me to be polite
I said thank you without gratitude,
They taught me to do right and I did 
but it didnt make me happy,
They said, “Follow the rulesand I did
but it didnt make me feel safe,
Lies lies lies,
They did the best they could.

They told me that they loved me
But-I dont have time for you right now.
They asked, How was your day,
But didnt take the time to listen.
They said, Go to your room,
When they had no love to give me,
I learned to read by the light of night,
Those stories took my pain away.

They taught me to survive
In a cold uncaring world,
They said that men dont cry
So I stuffed my grief inside,
They said, Do good in school
And everything will work out well.
But they were wrong,
They did the best they could,
They celebrated when I walked,
Was joyous as I learned to talk,
 And then I ran and made some noise, 
Sit down, shut up, they said to me,
Or well take away your toys!

When I did as they asked they smiled at me,
When I didnt obey their love went away,

When I was wild they shook their heads
They wanted me to be more dead,
 I frightened them, I was too free,
They needed me to be like them,
They needed me to not be me.

Sunday, September 22, 2019



I was told to read something spiritual everyday
So I reached for Rumi but stopped-

A dog barked,
a crow squawked,
I stood and walked into the wild green world before me.

Why read poetry when you are
Surrounded by poetry?

Why read poetry when you can
Become a poem yourself
in an instant 
just by opening to the world around you?

Saturday, September 21, 2019



I am willing to really feel
how terribly alone and meaningless
 it feels, has always felt
to be separated from God,
to be separated from myself?

I am willing to acknowledge, grieve and heal
that long jagged rend
in the fabric of my wholeness?

I am willing to do, 
to look, to feel, to see 
everything and anything I must, 
to clear the way to admit God.

To open to both shadow and light,
 to welcome all of my selves, 
and become whole again?

I am willing to surrender
my possessions and habits,
beliefs and self-aggrandizing dreams.

Half measures avail me not.

When having God in my life
this moment and the next,
and the next is as important
as my next breath…

That is when God will stop
these fleeting random visits
and take up permanent residence
in the welcoming warmth 
of my own heart.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019



We are so afraid of death
we surrender the adventure!

We choose what we think is safety
when in truth we are choosing fear,

We cannot teach what we cannot reach,
and fear my friends
is far from light,
and light is what all life 
reaches for.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019





Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I’m 70 years old. 
I’m not the man I once was. 

I’m better. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Lost in our heads,
bruised and broken by relentless thinking

we create our own 

the deeply ingrained belief
something must be done

about this compulsive drive 

to do


Monday, September 2, 2019


When you do pray, 
pray softly with your fragile faith. 
Become a temple,
Without walls.

Open up like a safe place.
Become a playground and let others swing on you,
 Be the fulcrum in your teeter-totter, 
wrestle in your sandbox.

Become whatever  is necessary. 
Be all things to all people. 
Expand beyond the limits of your disbeliefs,


Imagine God…

Imagine God and You are
One and the Same. 

Saturday, August 31, 2019


Imaginary Lines

Travel east or west far and fast enough 
You lose or gain an imaginary hour of time,
My bushes divide the piece of earth I claim to own
From the soil my neighbor waters,
Which side of this fence do I maintain?

As Frost remarked,
Walls keep things both in and out,
My view is narrowed and confined 
By my need to define and defend
What is mine
From what is yours.

We will not share this earth,
Instead greed tears it limb from limb,
Fear rapes it
For all it’s worth, for all it’s worth.

Down and down we divide the whole;
The Earth made into continents,
Then countries, states, cities,
Then homes and,
Then the homeless.

Longitudes and latitudes,
Languages and customs, rules,
rights and wrongs.

Seattle said,
The earth does not belong to us-
We belong to the earth.

By pretending to own our meager pieces
Of this cosmic miracle,
This regenerating manna-
we have shrunk ourselves needlessly.

Who am I really?
To what small portion of reality
Do I pledge my allegiance to?

I have forgotten
That these imaginary lines are 

I made them up
To secure for myself a sense of order and control.

I can organize and talk about things I do not understand
As if I understand them,
And in this illusionary language
That we have all agreed upon to use
And believe in, 
We can converse and understand completely 
One another’s delusions. 

Where exactly do you begin and I end?
Is this skin that separates us
From the earth, the wind
And each other,
Any more real
Than the fence turning to dust 
Between my neighbor’s yard
And my own?

I breathe the molecule of oxygen exhaled by 
A Chinaman 200 years ago..
The sweat from my brow
Will rain upon your granddaughter’s garden
100 years from now…

We are so much closer than we know,
Would you close your door, 
Withhold food from your brother?

What if 
I am your brother?

What if there really are no strangers?

What if enough is enough?

Thursday, August 29, 2019



The soul works through the night
posing possibilities to consciousness.
A dream readies the dreamer
for challenges to come.
Early morning stillness
reveals the status 
of a man to himself.

We are all awaiting the great arrival,
when the random fragments of our searches
come together into one grand understanding.
We are hoping to breathe easier
before the final.. Ah Ha!

Meanwhile, with all this heady poetry
feigning depth and thoughtfulness,
I have once again forgotten to thank God
for my life and all its attendant blessings.


My lust drives my thinking
and I wake up wanting more;
more of this, more of that, 
better, newer, faster,
then just a wee bit more.

Not knowing 
how to slow, stop and fully reside
in this moment,
I stumble sideways, 
wobbly, crashing 
into and through most situations
like some cosmic buffoon,
but no one here is laughing,
especially not myself.

The performance ends,
there is no where to go and nothing more to grab for.
All that I need I have right here.

Air to breathe.

                           Everything after that…

                                                          Icing on the cake.