Saturday, June 2, 2018


Urgency writes a jagged poem
whose cutting edges crumble 
to dust in no time
while Faith has all the time in the world
to build a temple that will endure
for centuries.

Desperation grabs at everything 
when all that is needed
is acceptance of what is and gratitude for comforts:
air, water, warmth, tears, and laughter.

That driving hunger will abate
when the desires compelled 
for what is not,
exhaust themselves and go to bed
at the foot of your wholeness-

content and dreaming of light..

Friday, June 1, 2018



Of course you cannot sleep, 
Your whole life you’ve been dreaming,
The world spins, the clock ticks,
With or without you.
Your Beloved commands your attention,
 The one romance that never ends,
The wind sings songs to woo you,
Stars twinkle and flirt to seduce you,
Music opens your heart to dance.

There is nothing here to understand...

Just allow the tears of your persistent silent longing
Carve a river of yourself
Strong and deep enough to carry you
To your truest love.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Nothing is Separate

from anything.

I separate the world in a futile attempt
to understand it.
I make distinctions to label and be done with it
in a futile attempt to control the mystery.

What is so is this;
I am a part of the whole
Not apart from the whole.

Monday, May 28, 2018


Of course you cannot sleep, 
Your whole life you’ve been dreaming,

The world spins, the clock ticks,
With or without you.

Your Beloved demands your attention,
 The one romance that never ends,

The wind sings songs to woo you,
Stars twinkle  and flirt to seduce you,
Music opens your heart to dance.
There is nothing here to understand...

Just allow the tears of your persistent silent longing
Carve a river of yourself
Strong and deep enough to carry you
                                   to your truest love.

Sunday, May 27, 2018


I am light made flesh,
I am earth made bone,
I am water made blood,
I am air made thought.

Spirit bred me.

I am not born of woman
But from mystery alone.