Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prayer #2


Even when i am apart from you
still i am a part of you
like a drop of water from the sea,
now rising into sky
you paint clouds with me.

then drop me down to ground
to quench the thirst of wheat,
feed the bellies of children,
filling me with appreciation
and compassion for all life,
I weep and you seep out
from my eyes, roll down
my cheeks,
holy tracks of my tears..

there is no escaping you is there?
even when i abandon myself
and tell myself the lie that i am alone,
then finally turn to you in my grief and fear
i see once again that i was never
out of your embrace for a moment.

I am iron resisting Rumi's magnet,
oxygen refraining from the fire,
fear fighting off the perfect serenity of love.

then once more as often before
i open again to you my friend,

I play joyously when i surrender,
become your conscious, willing flute.

You conduct your breath through me,
 I am always an instrument of
your divine orchestration.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Prayer #1

Otter's Song

 i used to be polite and
thank god with restraint 
for all that he provides for me-

that etiquette i imposed upon myself
to keep from waking those nearby 
calling their sharp attention to me. 

now i see it was my fear of disturbing them
by admitting my utter reliance on god
for fear that they would scoff and reject me 
like my father in his own fear did.

i used to pray quietly
hiding my wonder and adoration like a secret from myself

no longer do i choose
to govern my gratitude
writing prayers in some personal  private journal

let it be know 
near and far..

i love my god
with all his heart,
this beat is borrowed 
from his pulse,
he and i are one
still playing hide and seek from one another
time and time again


Sunday, July 10, 2011


Paid to not Work? Huh?
Okay. Some body help me out here. Please!
We’ve got about 10% of the adult work force unemployed and most still receiving an unemployment check each and every month. They are receiving this money from the government because they do not have a job.   
The government itself is not creating jobs (nor is the free market adequately) and is about to file bankruptcy altogether yet we have bridges and roads (infrastructure) falling apart, while social services and education takes a backseat beating because of the colossal unjustifiable expense of maintaining useless wars against countries that neither protect nor benefit the people on either side of the equation.
What I truly and deeply do not understand in the slightest is why we don’t simply require that every person receiving unemployment money from the government to go to work (in the interim) in social services, teaching, the repair of our deteriorating infrastructure and any other service we can think up. Why should people who have nothing to do be paid to continue doing nothing!?
So the idea I’m advocating is insanely simple and a win-win for the governments money woes and the out of work citizens woes. Put us to work for crying out loud. And if there is a reason this cannot work please point it out to me.  And after pointing out the reason(s) why this simple, reasonable, brilliant plan will not work-may we please collaborate on working out ways to make it work?  Notice that the most common word in this essay is “work”, as in-nothing that we are doing and everything that we are not doing governmentally, educationally, militarily, economically, environmentally and socially is Not Working!
You know, in the recovery culture of ex drunks and other addicts they have a very concise and poignant insight often expressed; their definition of insanity is: continuing to take the same actions repeatedly which result in the same outcomes. Perhaps as a nation it is time to change our actions; recover our sanity, our confidence, our foreign relations, our working democracy, our schooling system, our self respect and our pride in being an American before it is too late. If it already isn’t..
Please feel compelled or at least free, to email this idea to friends and government so-called representatives