Wednesday, April 20, 2016


this grand event of sitting still, serene,
grinning lazily while channeling the warmth,
light and joy of simply being alive?

that incredibly gentle loving breeze
that tickles the skin,
the hairs on your arm flutter gracefully
while glee creeps wickedly up your spine..
so delicious!

We look for these things,
these reasons and ways to reconnect
with the wonder that keeps us rising at dawn,
heaving ourselves heavily out of blessed slumber,
resurrecting ourselves and rejoining the mundane routines
of our uncertain beings..

what happens outside of us
and to us
is not of any import at all.
It is all in how we connect
with what is,
it is all in how we see and feel what surrounds us.

What is it that you and I need
that keeps us rising and wandering and wondering?

We seekers of love
lost outside our own throbbing boiling cores,
continue to search and reach outward
for that which is central within us.

We seekers of peace
cry out at the world of grief
that reminds us time and again
that we cannot embrace one another
until we learn to embrace ourselves
completely and finally..

Can I find the promised land
within me?
The uncontested sacred space,
so tranquil and protected
that nothing outside me,
nothing outside us,
can penetrate the boundaries
of the one true sanctuary?

“awakening otter”