Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Catch & Release

Whatever package your God comes in
Doesn't matter at all,
If it gifts you with faith
Grab on and hold it close
As if your joy depends on it
Because it does

Once you are overflowing with joy
let go.
Just think of all the light you will shine upon
This frightened, weary world
Just by grasping God
and then 
letting him go-

Monday, December 1, 2014




connect with anyone
with every one,
this is what a fearless life looks like.

what is there to be afraid of 
but the opinions of others….their judgments  

judgements are attacks,
and they are projections,
they are the responses that fear makes
attempting to make us feel secure.

feel secure
secure yourself!

breath slowly
breath deeply...

love self
love others
love all of life

you are whole
vibrant and powerful,
you can speak nothing
but your truth

teach the congress of the world
what transparency really looks like
and what it can accomplish,
as fear disappears.