Friday, November 11, 2016


There is this....we are obviously divided in the "who" and the "how" we will improve conditions on our country, but there is a commonality that does unite us all it is this; everybody on both sides of the dividing line is sick and tired of NOT BEING REPRESENTED by our government. Trump and Clinton supporters alike know that the criminal and corruptly "purchased" democracy that has been making decisions for us all has served primarily the top 1% only. Corporations have been controlling legislative policy making for a long long while and we appear to be at a point where the vast majority of us realize that our values and principles are not and have not been represented. We revolted against England years ago for the very reason that we should be revolting against our government today; "Unfair taxation without representation". Trumps win is a sign of that revolt. The machinery (DNC) in their smug complacency missed the cue during the primaries. If they had had open eyes, ears and minds they might have seen that Bernie Sanders was speaking for "the people" and had our overwhelming support. Bernie Sanders spoke to every issue we are concerned about and he did it with intelligence, grace and compassion. When I think of the Democratic party today I want to puke. Let's not forget that when the Dems had controlling numbers the first two years of Obamas administration, they deserted their own leader. And more recently it appears that they were so certain that the Republican party had
destroyed itself that they didn't note that in their own party had become impotent. There will be much to learn going forward; much to learn for all of us on all sides of the fence. Culturally we have been behaving as compulsive and out of control as any individual addict does. And addicts have to hit a bottom before they can make a choice to recover. My hope is that if we are not yet there, we will be soon. We need to to recover from our addictions to power, to control, to the worlds resources and to financial profit above and beyond the concern for all of humanity within and without our borders. We have a lot of waking up to do. Until we realize that we are no longer a planet of separate nations and that every decision each country makes impacts every human (animal and plant) on this fragile assaulted globe we will continue to point fingers and demonize one another. Leonard Cohen is dead. Long ago while we were revolting against the establish in the sixties he had the clarity to point out that the "revolution is within". The world changes as the individual changes and i don't believe ultimately that anything short of individual spiritual awakening will lead to healing future for mankind. Nothing short of embracing our own shadows and shortcomings and consciously working to think and act with loving intentions instead of fear towards any and all who appear different to us, will save our souls..

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