Friday, September 16, 2011


I am lost
Everything is just the same
But I am not
What is happening,
Who am I now?

I brush my teeth
Put on my pants
Drink a cup of coffee
Pick up a book
Put down the book
Nothing feels the same

I pick up a paint brush
But have no paint,
The flute sounds hollow, 
I hear only air
I sit down to write and all I have to say is
I am lost

Maybe I have always been lost
What I thought was me 
was only distractions

I found myself in conversations
and busyness of daily chores
In listening to music or watching the sun set
I found myself in lust and fantasies of someday loves,
I knew I was here when you held me
But ceased to exist when you let me go

I found myself in  charity and in greed
In sloth and ambition,
I found myself in anger towards injustices
I found myself in the needy eyes of my dog
I found myself in the things I lost myself in
I found myself in my fears of being lost
I don’t know who I am..

My incentive is gone
I want to go back to sleep and live in dreams
Sit in this chair and rock
back and forth and go nowhere
I have no more questions
I have lost my mind (thank God)

there is no where to go
nothing to do
but sit and wait patiently
for my self to arrive..

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