Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I never imagined I would see the day when I’d understand full well why my mother left televisions on all the time through out the house. The television is company; isn’t it?
I am about to eat dinner alone in my 4 bedroom house once again. My kids are with their mom this week. I would prefer conversation or human interaction. It seems strange, almost opulent or wasteful for one person, myself to live in this surplus of space when so many people in poverty are hungry and homeless. 
Usually I am not willing to put a lot of time and effort into making a meal if it’s going to be only me eating it. But today I turned NPR on the internet and listening to old shows of “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” I spent hours preparing salads and fruit smoothies. The radio kept my mind off of my mind if you know what I mean.
I’m about to sit down and watch a tv show while I eat. Sometimes I play solitaire while I eat. When I was a kid I’d surround myself with cereal boxes and read everything on them, including the ingredients and minimum daily nutrition requirements. Keep that monkey mind occupied and it can’t attack you. 
..come to think of it, mom played a lot of solitaire too.

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