Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Gratitude Attitude

                         * A friend enlightened my one day (luckily) to the secret of ending the pursuit of happiness and achieving joy. I told him that whenever things worked out for me I would become happy. He told me I had it backwards; he said, "Be grateful first, then joy will follow".  He was very right. Wish I'd a met him a thousand years ago!

 ..a poor monk walking barefoot through the market place was unhappy that he could not afford some shoes when he turned a corner and saw a man sitting on the ground without any feet.
The quality of our lives is determined by the way we look at things. Many of us were raised unintentionally to focus on what we didn’t have and then go about making plans and taking actions to get it. I know that I am guilty of living the majority of my life from the “glass half empty” perspective. The culture that we Americans live in fosters this perspective through millions of dollars of marketing every day. Products have built in obsolescence and the next technological upgrade is just around the corner making our state of the art cell phone antiquated and just not good enough. The medium is indeed, the massage. 
Although the purpose of “news” in paper and television is to inform the public, media seems to have settled on the same strategy to increase sales and profits. 90% of what we read and hear is disturbing news often presented in a sensationalized form. The news has become a product to sell; in the middle of a sitcom we are interrupted by a ‘come on’ or ‘hook’ that is shaped to seduce us into tuning in to that stations news at eleven if we want to hear more about the wildfire driven by 50 mile an hour winds or the fate of the airliner that nearly crashed during takeoff when the pilot had a heart attack at the wheel. Very intriguing stuff; we love our novels and movies-we are a curious bunch. The networks and newspapers and magazines and radio get their audiences and more importantly, the money they are competing for with one another.
I listen to mainstream news less and less because I find it disturbing and frightening and too much “bad news” results for me in a feeling of powerlessness-there is nothing I can do to change the way things are- the world is out of my control, natural disasters and more disturbingly, man made disasters, ongoing wars fueled by hatred, fear and/or greed continue to abound. Greed, corruption, economic woes,political dysfunction and social inequities add to our chagrin. We seem not to learn from history and continue to try to solve problems using the same strategies as before and making the same old mistakes.
The good news is, although we each have a limited impact on the ways of the world at large we can have control of how we choose to view the world we live in. We can lament and focus on what is lacking like the monk in our story or learn to look for and appreciate all the abundance and beauty that surrounds us daily. The way we see the world creates our attitude and if we consciously work at seeing the positive aspects of life we develop an attitude of gratitude which in fact does effect the people we come into contact with encouraging them to also see the glass half full instead of half empty. One point of view results in anxiety, stress, and disease. The other results in health, happiness and contentment. 
As more and more of us learn how to accept the often unpleasant realities of life and instead begin to choose to dwell on all the good things provided to us, we actually do impact and change the way the world is. This is the only way to achieve a better world; by becoming the change we wish to see, one person at a time. We humans do individually and then collectively create the world as it is. 
The solution is simple but it is takes intention and persistent conscious work to achieve change. I remember walking along the shore in California quietly, peacefully enjoying a magnificent sunset when I looked up at the cliffs and noticed all these fantastic multi-million dollar homes where the residents could view this beauty any time they wanted. Not fair! Suddenly, I was wanting again what I did not have and imagining that my happiness would increase if I lived in one of those homes when I had been perfectly happy moments before experiencing the inspiration of that miraculous sunset!
As simple as the solution is, the challenge to change the way we look at life from the habitual deeply ingrained perspective of ‘scarcity’ (Scare City) to one of abundance and gratitude is hard work requiring a willingness to commit to being aware of our own behaviors and thinking. I find that I need support in the form of encouragement and guidance from other like-intended people. 
My advice to myself and whoever else may want it is to choose your friends wisely and be discriminating when you choose your news.
Bottom line; when I notice that each breath I take is a gift that I am not entitled to, it is impossible for me to not be joyous and content. Every day can be Thanksgiving. Enjoy all the holidays!


  1. Couldn't agree more with you ... each breath is a gift, and I too am grateful and aware of my good fortune.

  2. I think I am coming to SD. the beginning of April. Maybe we could meet up. Thanks for reading me as in "I read you loud and clear".
